Can’t remember when your last dental visit was?! That can only mean one thing…you are OVERDUE for your Preventative Dental Care appointment! ⏰
Your mouth is the gateway to your total health. Just like a car, it needs regular servicing to ensure it is healthy and performs at its best and doesn’t break down when it is inconvenient!
To ensure optimal Oral health, it is recommended that you have 2 Preventative Dental Care appointments per year — once every 6 months.
Most of our patients find that regular scheduled appointments of preventative care and cleaning can help keep dental problems and emergencies away, as well as improve your total health.
We know that schedules can get rather BUSY, we suggest re-booking your next preventive care appointment IMMEDIATELY after each 6 monthly visit.
This secures your preferred appointment date/time, ensures you are top of your oral health & avoids delays which can lead to potential dental issues!
So that you can remain healthy and keep that smile beautiful, Contact us on 8899 6331 and one of our friendly staff can help you in arranging your next preventative care visit 🦷😁
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