Looking for Invisalign in Keysborough?
Don’t like the look and feel of traditional braces?
Don’t want anyone to know that you are straightening your teeth?
Looks like invisible braces (Clear Aligners) such as Invisalign (Gold Provider), Spark or ClearCorrect might be the answer!
- 3D Digital Scanning technology available here enables faster turn-around time and more accurate fitment of for your aligners.
- We use specialised computer software to predict the movement of your teeth and a series of special clear aligners are made to move them. They are clear, simple and easy to use.
- There is no age limit for Invisalign in Keysborough. Not all cases require years of treatment – some cosmetic cases only require 6 months.
- If you are thinking about Invisalign in Keysborough, book an appointment by giving us a call or through our easy online booking system and speak to our dentist about it!